Property Tax Calculator

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    Potential Tax Savings

    Based on comparable properties, your property:

    Enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program ™ and O’Connor will protest your property taxes for you every year. You Pay NOTHING unless we save you money!

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    * Tax savings amount is based on the average tax rate for your state and does not including cap on taxable value or exemptions.

    Comparable Properties Details

    Property Address Assessed Value Year Built Assessment Year Building Size Sqft Value/Sqft Ratio
    This report is based on the assessors last available “assessed value”, adjusted to the level of the assessment comparables, with a typical property tax rate for properties in the state.

      Potential Tax Savings

      Based on comparable properties, your property:

      * Tax savings amount is based on the average tax rate for your state and does not including cap on taxable value or exemptions.

      Comparable Properties Details

      Property Address Assessed Value Year Built Assessment Year Building Size Value/Sqft Ratio
      This report is based on the assessors last available “assessed value”, adjusted to the level of the assessment comparables, with a typical property tax rate for properties in the state.